FILM 2189: INTOLERANCE: LOVE'S STRUGGLE THROUGHOUT THE AGES (1916) FILM LISTClaire Heffer8 January 2024film, film list, movie, movie list, movie trivia, film trivia, D. W. Griffith, epic silent film, 1910s, silent era, Babylonian, St. Bartholomew's Day massacre, Judean, puritanism, strike, mother, child, monumental sets, period costumes, extrasComment
JUST FINISHED LISTENING: SCAMANDA JUST FINISHED LISTENINGClaire Heffer26 August 2023Podcast, just finished listening, listening, investigation, true story, podcast review, podscaster, podcasters, pod, my verdict, blog post, review blogpost, podcast addict, podcast recommendation, recommendation, Amanda, wife, mother, blogger, Christian, young woman, secret, blog, cancer journey, local community, followers all over the world, investigative producer, Nancy, anonymous tip, Kendall HornComment