BOOK 241: THE THIRD POLICEMAN: FLANN O'BRIEN BOOK LISTClaire Heffer15 March 2025THE THIRD POLICEMAN, FLANN O'BRIEN, fiction, surreal, ireland, irish literature, literature, dark, policemen, short novel, magical realism, absurdism, satire, philosophy, mystery, 20th century, fantasy, classics, 1960s, humour, novel, bookcover, bookcoverdesign, bookcoverchallenge, book, bookstagram, graphicdesign, booklist, bookreview, reviews, bookaddict, bookaholic, instabooks, bookporn, booklove, bookstagrammer, blogging, instadesign, booksofinstagram, goodreads, becauseofreading, ilovereading, bookgeek, bookishfeatures, instaread, alwaysreading, instareadsComment
BOOK 237: BOY PARTS: ELIZA CLARK BOOK LISTClaire Heffer17 August 2024boy parts, ELIZA CLARK, thriller, black comedy, violence, bookcover, fiction, 2020, horror, gender, photography, art, bookcoverdesign, bookcoverchallenge, book, bookstagram, graphicdesign, booklist, bookreview, reviews, literature, bookaddict, bookaholic, instabooks, bookporn, booklove, bookstagrammer, blogging, instadesign, booksofinstagram, goodreads, becauseofreading, ilovereading, bookgeek, bookishfeatures, instaread, alwaysreading, instareadsComment
BOOK 223: GHOSTED: ROSIE WALSH BOOK LISTClaire Heffer1 October 2022GHOSTED: ROSIE WALSH, The Man Who Didn't Call, english, american, english summer, romance, summer romance, relationship, grief, family, friendship, love, secrets, internet, book cover, book cover design, page turner, bookcover, bookcoverdesign, bookcoverchallenge, book, bookstagram, graphicdesign, booklist, bookreview, reviews, literature, bookaddict, bookaholic, instabooks, bookporn, booklove, bookstagrammer, blogging, instadesign, booksofinstagram, goodreads, becauseofreading, ilovereading, bookgeek, bookishfeatures, instaread, alwaysreading, instareads, fiction, fiction reads, book cover challenge, graphic design, book review, book addict, book porn, book love, books of instagram, because of reading, I love reading, book geek, bookishf eatures, always readingComment
BOOK 212: IF WE WERE VILLAINS: M.L. RIO BOOK LISTClaire Heffer3 March 2021Book, fiction, Shakespeare, plays, college, thespian, production, murder, mystery, IF WE WERE VILLAINS, M.L. RIO, friendship, relationship, booklist, book listComment
BOOK 210: NORMAL PEOPLE: SALLY ROONEY BOOK LISTClaire Heffer23 December 2020book, book list, SALLY ROONEY, bok, Book, Teenagers, Trinity College, Dublin, fiction, intelligence, relationshipComment
BOOK 207: THE AMAZING ADVENTURES OF KAVALIER & CLAY: MICHAEL CHABON BOOK LISTClaire Heffer7 August 2020booklist, bookreview, chabon, book list, book review, mystery, comic book, family, friendship, usa, war, world war 2, world war 11, comic books, comics, graphic, artist, homosexuality, empire state building, world fair, golem, Michael Chabon, Historical fiction, Dark Horse Comics, Czech, jewish, cousins, Kavalier & Clay, New York Times Best Seller, Pulitzer Prize for Fiction, Pulitzer Prize, fiction, book, magic, escape artistComment
BOOK 205: THE WOMAN IN THE WINDOW: A.J. FINN BOOK LISTClaire Heffer28 April 2020Book, book list, cover design, new York, recluse, agoraphobia, physiatrist, psychologist, neighbours, drinking, alcoholic, family, relationships, A.J. FINN, writer, story behind book, article on writers, Daniel Mallory, murder, infidelity, The Woman in the Window, thriller, suspense, psychological, fictionComment
BOOK 201: LITTLE FIRES EVERYWHERE: CELESTE NG BOOK LISTClaire Heffer25 November 2019book, booklist, novel, fiction, dilemma, family, Shaker Heights, Ohio, America, Celeste Ng, review, paper, court case, relationship, families, teenager, 1990sComment
BOOK 199: WE HAVE ALWAYS LIVED IN THE CASTLE: SHIRLEY JACKSON BOOK LISTClaire Heffer20 September 2019shirley jackson, Book List, Book Review, we have always lived in the castle, gothic, fiction, novel, familyComment