BOOK 241: THE THIRD POLICEMAN: FLANN O'BRIEN BOOK LISTClaire Heffer15 March 2025THE THIRD POLICEMAN, FLANN O'BRIEN, fiction, surreal, ireland, irish literature, literature, dark, policemen, short novel, magical realism, absurdism, satire, philosophy, mystery, 20th century, fantasy, classics, 1960s, humour, novel, bookcover, bookcoverdesign, bookcoverchallenge, book, bookstagram, graphicdesign, booklist, bookreview, reviews, bookaddict, bookaholic, instabooks, bookporn, booklove, bookstagrammer, blogging, instadesign, booksofinstagram, goodreads, becauseofreading, ilovereading, bookgeek, bookishfeatures, instaread, alwaysreading, instareadsComment
INSPIRATION: ART & DESIGN: MODERN NUDES INSPIRATION: ART & DESIGNClaire Heffer2 March 2024Beautiful Art Featuring The Female Form, Nudes In Modern Art, Modern Art Portraying Lovers, Beautiful Modern Art, Modern Nudes In Watercolour, Modern Nudes In Ceramics, Beautiful Nudes To Fill Your Walls, Modern Nude Art To Fill Your Home, Body Positive Art For Your Walls, Simple Artwork Featuring Nudes, Blue Nudes To Elevate Your Space, Beautify Your Space With These Modern Nudes, Make Your Space More Stylish With These Modern Nudes, blog post, chd, clairehefferdesign, Claire heffer design, ch design, freebie, free art, nude, naked, modern nude, graphic art, photography, line drawing. Drawing, blue, lino, lino print, large painting, female, female form, female artist, hook, metal, ladies, tattoo, tattoo ideas, fashion, pattern, leather, sculpture, sculptural, sculptural art, textiles, society six, etsy, ceramics, plate, painted plate, bold lines, tan lines, body positive, wallpaper, vase, block print, books, art book, scarf, printed scarf, life drawing, simple art, simple lines, quirky art, modern art, candle, lovers, niave art, note book, mug, cushion, lynch, warhol, naked nude, furniture, colourful, painterly, humour, humor, couples, male form, male nude, wooden, breasts, watercolour, gold, art inspiration, inspirational art, creative, creator, creators, art gallery, artist, artwork art work, artistic, artist inspiration, beautiful, amazing, striking art, talented artist, talented creator, art watchers, art gazing, artlover, art lover, stylishart, artstyle contemporary art, new art, painter, paint inspiration, inspirational painter, drawing, paintingComment
INSPIRATION: ART & DESIGN: NINA COSFORD INSPIRATION: ART & DESIGNClaire Heffer30 December 2023Nina Cosford, illustrator, instagram, prints, arts, humour, feminist, feminism, empowering women, christmas, holidays, blog post, chd, clairehefferdesign, Claire heffer design, ch design, art inspiration, inspirational art, creative, creator, creators, art gallery, artist, artwork art work, artistic, artist inspiration, beautiful, amazing, striking art, talented artist, talented creator, art watchers, art gazing, artlover, art lover, stylishart, artstyle contemporary art, modern art, new art, painter, paint inspiration, inspirational painter, drawing, painting, sktchbook, sketchbook, sketch bookComment
JUST FINISHED WATCHING: QUANTUM LEAP (1989–1993) JUST FINISHED WATCHINGClaire Heffer27 May 2023Quantum Leap, American, science fiction, television series, Donald P. Bellisario, NBC, five seasons, Scott Bakula, Dr. Sam Beckett, physicist, spacetime, experiments, time travel, historical mistakes, Dean Stockwell, Admiral Al Calavicci, womanizing, cigar-smoking, companion, best friend, hologram, humour, drama, romance, social commentary, TV Guide's "Top Cult Shows Ever", tv show, just finished watching, tv programme, television, streaming, television show, tv, watching, catch up, end show, series, tv review, show review, my verdict, tv show trivia, tv triviaComment
INSPIRATION: ART & DESIGN: JULIEN POSTURE INSPIRATION: ART & DESIGNClaire Heffer12 December 2020Language, illustration, art design, INSPIRATION: ART & DESIGN: JULIEN POSTURE, JULIEN POSTURE, French, English, humour, humor, block style, childrens book, children book illustration, artist, art and design, illustration and designComment